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Take your own advice.

In our coalition work, we are constantly planning and hosting meetings, projects and events. Depending upon our time, staff/leader capacity and partner availability, these can have varying levels of complexity and require us to consider many factors. Last week, during one of these planning meetings, I came up with lots of ideas that would result […]

Take your own advice. Read More »

Top 10 Tips for Facilitating an Online Meeting

As we plan and prepare our coalition meetings, we have lots of decisions to make about the type(s) of meetings we host. We once again have opportunities to meet in person, sometimes we host hybrid meetings and we continue to have most of our meetings in a virtual platform. Prior to 2020, virtual meetings were

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Partnership Pitfall #10: Unresolved conflict

Since coalition work involves working with people, there will always be conflict. 🙂 Conflict can be helpful, healthy and can aid the coalition in making better collective decisions. Unresolved conflict can be very destructive to a coalition and can erode trust and engagement. Conflict may be related to coalition decision-making, priority setting or among member

Partnership Pitfall #10: Unresolved conflict Read More »

Partnership Pitfall #9: Letting the loudest voices get their way

One of the best ways to energize your coalition toward collective action is to identify passionate champions who can provide leadership, inspiration and energy to accomplish the collective goals and objectives. Sometimes, these passionate champions can be very loud and insistent on their way. If “their way” aligns well with the coalition interest overall, that

Partnership Pitfall #9: Letting the loudest voices get their way Read More »

Partnership Pitfall #8: Under communicating

When we are leading a coalition, we can feel like we are always talking about what we are doing and can sometimes start to think that everyone else knows what we are doing too. 🙂  Even though we can be easily overwhelmed by emails, if there is infrequent and only occasional communication with only a

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Partnership Pitfall #7: Overselling and Under delivering

As a coalition, it can be easy to be overcommitted (which we talked about as our Partnership Pitfall #2). A related pitfall happens when we communicate to our partners and stakeholders that we can do more than we can actually do. In our enthusiasm (and sometimes our people-pleasing tendencies), we can communicate unrealistic expectations and

Partnership Pitfall #7: Overselling and Under delivering Read More »

Change: Not everything has to change

It is easy for us to focus on all the things that are changing and to become overwhelmed with all of the change. While lots of things are changing and there may be some opportunities for new partnerships and new opportunities, not everything has to change. One of the most important things that needs to

Change: Not everything has to change Read More »

Change: Am I paying attention to others?

While we are personally experiencing change, it’s important for us to also recognize that others are experiencing tremendous change as well and they may not adapt, react or adjust to change in the same way that we do. Over the past two weeks, we reflected on how we personally react to change and manage change.

Change: Am I paying attention to others? Read More »

Helping non-tech savvy participants with online meetings: Part 2

Not everyone is going to be comfortable with online meetings even though that continues to be what we are primarily doing in order to connect with our partners, colleagues, families and friends. Hopefully, you have tried some of the “tips” from last week’s post on helping non-tech savvy participants with online meetings. If you missed

Helping non-tech savvy participants with online meetings: Part 2 Read More »

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