The next Coalition Catalyst™ online course begins February 24th!


Change: Take the time to pause

We are all bombarded by requests for our time. During this time of continual change, it often takes more time than it used to in order to accomplish even the “little” things. When our colleagues, partners,  coalitions, family members and friends ask us for something, we often have a sense of urgency in responding either […]

Change: Take the time to pause Read More »

Change: Now is the time to create your “ideal week”

During times of change, it can be easy to live in a “reactive” state. When we lead coalitions and partnerships, it can be easy to think that we always have to be reactive and ready to respond to anyone and everyone’s requests as soon as possible.   This can be particularly true if you are

Change: Now is the time to create your “ideal week” Read More »

Change: I’m done with being overwhelmed

How often do you feel overwhelmed? Is it daily, weekly or only occasionally? When we are working with partners and coalitions, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all that needs to be done in order to successfully work together well. In this season of tremendous change, increased needs, reduced funding and continued uncertainty, it is

Change: I’m done with being overwhelmed Read More »

Change: That wasn’t part of my plan!

As we are continuing to adapt and adjust to change, one of the most frustrating aspects of change is when we have a plan and that plan gets interrupted, changed or completely revised. My mom recently gave my daughter an old Weekly Reader book “Frog and Toad Together” and the first story is about Toad

Change: That wasn’t part of my plan! Read More »

Change: Not everything has to change

It is easy for us to focus on all the things that are changing and to become overwhelmed with all of the change. While lots of things are changing and there may be some opportunities for new partnerships and new opportunities, not everything has to change. One of the most important things that needs to

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Change: Look for new opportunities

In the change parable book, Who Moved My Cheese, the characters (most of them anyway) went searching for new “cheese” because the “old cheese” was no longer there (cheese represents something important to them). They didn’t plan to look for anything new until the old was gone. I think we are experiencing a lot of

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Change: How can I build trust?

When we are working with our friends, partners, coalition and team members during this time of tremendous change, we have an opportunity to improve our relationships and build trust. Both Stephen Covey (Emotional Bank Account) and Brené Brown (marble jar) provide some fantastic analogies on building trust and in this week’s post, we are going

Change: How can I build trust? Read More »

Change: Am I paying attention to others?

While we are personally experiencing change, it’s important for us to also recognize that others are experiencing tremendous change as well and they may not adapt, react or adjust to change in the same way that we do. Over the past two weeks, we reflected on how we personally react to change and manage change.

Change: Am I paying attention to others? Read More »

Yes! Send me practical tips every week to help my coalition succeed!