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What do I want less of this year?

As we have been reflecting on our four new year’s reflection questions, we are now considering what we want less of this year. If you set a New Year’s resolution or goal and you are already struggling in this area, perhaps your first “less of” is being overly self-critical and adding more self-compassion. Each of our “less of” lists will look different depending upon our current season of life and what is most important to us right now. Remember to keep focusing on what is yours to own!  If you are ready to consider what you want less of this year, join me for three next steps you can take this week.

Consider your priorities.

What is yours to own? What do you want more of this year? When you are focused on answering these questions, then you can become more clear about what you need to let go of in order to focus on these important areas. For instance, if we want more time with our families, then we may want less after work meetings or work-travel commitments. If we want more engaged coalition members, then we will want fewer meetings with an unclear purpose and plan. If we want to listen more, then we will want to talk less.  Consider your priorities and what is important to you during your current season. One of my current priorities is focused on living in rhythm and balance. Since that is a focus for me, one of the things I am practicing is “reducing helpfulness” because when I am overly helpful, I am out of rhythm and balance.

Download my free worksheet, Escape the Overwhelm, for 7 practical actions you can take to find balance and rhythm in your life.

Make a list.

Write down all the things that you know you want less of this year. As you have reflected on your priorities and what you want more of, you probably have several items that resonate with you that can be included in your “want less of” list. This may be fewer hours at work, fewer evening commitments, less eating out, less people pleasing, less comparing ourselves to others, fewer meetings, less emotional eating or less self-criticism. Make the list for where you are right now. If you think I *should* put this on the list, then it does not go on the list. Be honest with yourself and what reflects your current situation not what you think you *should* do “less of” right now. This list is for you and you do not need to share it with anyone (unless you really want to!).

Select one to practice.

As you review the list, choose one to practice right now. Which one will make the most impact in being able to do your “more of” list? Which one seems realistic for you to do at this time. One of the potential pitfalls of reflection is that we can think of too many different things that we get overwhelmed with our lists. The goal is to move toward more rhythm and balance in all areas of our lives.  Although we may be leading coalitions, partnerships or teams, our particular situation is unique and only we can choose what to focus on first. Once you have spent time focusing and practicing your first “less of” item, move to another one on the list. Also, remember that all areas of your life are important. Your first  “less of” item may be related to work so that you can focus on being available to pick up your child from school. Or perhaps your “less of” item is at home so that you can have more time for self care and rejuvenation. You choose!

So what about you? As you reflect on this question, what do you want less of this year?

If you would like additional resources and support related to this question, check out my free Masterclass, Escape the Overwhelm.

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

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