The next Coalition Catalyst™ online course begins February 24th!

Key #6: Send out your meeting agenda a week in advance

How many times are you invited to a meeting but are not sure about the agenda for the meeting? When you don’t see an agenda in advance, are you excited to attend the meeting or are you wondering if you should spend your time doing something else?  Let’s be honest. It is really difficult to find the time to attend a meeting if we don’t know what to expect during the meeting. When we host coalition, partnership or team meetings, one of the simplest ways to enhance accountability is to send the meeting agenda at least one week in advance. Join me this week as I provide three reasons why this strategy encourages accountability.

Sets a deadline for participation

When we send a meeting agenda a week in advance, it helps everyone have a “deadline” to work on projects or activities that they agreed to do during the last meeting. If your coalition members know that you will be discussing a topic of interest, you will create a sense of urgency to be ready for the meeting. 

Assigns responsibility

If your coalition members (and staff) see their names specifically mentioned in the agenda, it prompts them to be ready to report progress and actively engage in the meeting. If a person knows that they are responsible for presenting, they are much more likely to participate than if it’s open for anyone to participate. 

Sets the example

When you send an agenda out a week in advance, it helps you set the example for participation and accountability. When you provide the agenda and purpose for the meeting in advance, you are demonstrating your commitment to the meeting and the group. This also provides you one more week to be ready to present as well! 🙂

What do you need to do to get your meeting agendas out a week in advance?

Check out my latest free resource that walks you through practical ways to apply each of these 10 Keys to Accountability!

Photo by Paico Oficial on Unsplash

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