Join me for a 15 minute informational session "What is Coalition Catalyst?" on Friday, January 31st!

Clarifying Roles: One of THE most important things you can do

One of the most important and challenging aspects of leading a coalition – or really any team – is getting clear on roles. When we find ourselves overwhelmed by all of the work or frustrated that no one is volunteering, unclear roles are likely part of the problem.  If your members are confused about who is leading which area or what they are expected to do, you may not have clarified roles. If you have clarified roles and there is still confusion, you may need to find new ways to communicate those roles. Join me this week as I highlight four major types of roles you want to clarify in leading a coalition, partnership, team or network.

Coalition, partnership or team role

What is the purpose and role of this group? How can you describe the coalition’s role in three to five words? Clarifying the role of the group is the first step in clarifying roles for the members in the group.

Staff Roles

Clarify the role of staff overall and individually. How often do you all get copied on an email and are not sure who is the best person to respond? Are you feeling overwhelmed because everyone is attending every meeting? When you get clear on your staff roles, you can become more effective and efficient in your coalition work.

Leader Roles

What is expected from your coalition leaders (e.g. chairs or co-chairs)? Have you distinguished the role of the staff vs. the leaders? The more clarity you can provide, the easier it will be to recruit and engage your coalition leaders.  

Member Roles

What do coalition members do? How are they expected to participate in the work of the coalition? What does it look like to be a member vs. a leader? If you have different membership categories, you will likely have different roles for each category.

So what about you? What is the next step you will take to get more clear on your coalition roles?

If you would like additional guidance on clarifying roles, check out my new free worksheet Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities.

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