I just launched two brand new premium courses to help you better engage with your coalition!

Coalition Catalyst

Our Most Helpful Free Resources

My Mission is Simple.

To Help Coalition Leaders

Achieve More. Together.

I know that you’re busy. You’re hearding volunteers,
you’re dealing with stakeholders, you’re carrying more than your share of the weight, and you’re overwhelmed.


You’re a coalition leader. And that’s all just part of the job. Or at least…it was.


But now there’s a method to the madness.
A framework to thrive.

In 2004, I started working with coalition leaders, creating tools and strategies that helped them succeed, delegate, and take back control of their calendar.


Over the last 17 years, I’ve developed a framework, the Coalition Catalyst – a practical system for coalitions to assess their strengths and weaknesses, set good and realistic expectations, engage meaningfully with their members, and sustain long-term success.


I invite you to come along on the journey, and to achieve more. Together.

Jennifer Redmond Knight

Yes! Send me practical tips every week to help my coalition succeed!